Divorce Mediation

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential settlement process emphasizing informed decision-making and mutually acceptable agreements. Divorce mediation is an alternative to fighting with your spouse in court.

Mediation provides an option other than the winner-take-all approach of the confrontational court system. It is pragmatic, informed, dedicated to the unique issues to be resolved, and involves mutual give and take. A West Covina family lawyer can help you find a helpful mediator and help you prepare the documents you need for an effective mediation.

In mediation, a neutral mediator helps the parties clear up their disputes, express their needs clearly, think about options for settlement, and reach evenhanded agreements. The mediator may prepare a written agreement if desired. Mediation is effective even when tensions and emotions are high, and communication seems hopeless.

Mediation can help the parties work out issues concerning child custody and support, spousal support, and division of assets and debts.

A West Covina family attorney’s role is different from a mediator’s, but the goal is similar. A West Covina family attorney seeks to resolve each issue in your legal matter and help you move past the anger and confrontation to a new life in the future.

Benefits of Mediation

One key benefit of mediation is that it helps preserve good relationships between the spouses and lessens the conflict between them. This collaborative attitude is beneficial for the children and helps them adjust better to the divorce. In addition, mediation establishes a feeling of cooperation between the parties and may help them resolve future disputes as they arise.
Another benefit of mediation is that it tends to be considerably less expensive than a litigated divorce, particularly if the divorce ends up going to trial. The role of a West Covina family attorney in a mediation is significantly smaller than in a divorce trial.
Mediated divorce cases typically take much less time to resolve than a litigated divorce. In addition, mediation usually results in greater satisfaction for the parties because they develop their own resolution for their disputes, rather than a resolution being imposed on them by a judge.

Contact Us

When families are involved, clients need prompt, attentive service. West Covina family attorney Daniel V. Cota is committed to standing by his clients through every step of the process. Daniel V. Cota is honest with his clients – and clients appreciate his expert and forthright approach.

For a free consultation, call (800) 351-6850 today.

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